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Fugitive Coming to your favorite device

We have seen a huge praise and positive reaction to the Burgle Bros. app, and we are incredibly thankful for that. Now we are looking for your help with our next app implementation, Fugitive.

Fowers Games is looking for playtesters for our upcoming Fugitive app. We are hard at work putting together the best game we can, and we need your help to make sure the game is challenging and fun, as well as a gorgeous design.

We are looking for players with experience to teach our AI the best moves. Programming the AI in a deduction game can be tricky, and we are hoping you, our biggest fans, can help us teach the AI how to be the best fugitive.

If you want to help out with Fugitive, you can fill out this form. We will be in touch with playtesters in the coming weeks, hoping to get the most out of all platforms.
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