Paperback Unabridged
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Regular price $ 18.83

Paige Turner is back with a new, unabridged collection of novels. Explore over 100 new cards, including triple letters, typos, asterisks, lowercase letters, and so much more. Paperback Unabridged, the expansion to the bestselling word game, Paperback.
- Lowercase Letter Cards A whole new type of victory card that provide ¢ when played... and Fame at the end of the game.
- New Starting Wilds Wild cards with a twist.
- New Common Cards Spice up the words you spell with the harder-to-use vowels.
- New Fame Cards All-new Fame cards (with new values) - each with brand new art from Ryan Goldsberry!
- Asterisk Cards New and easier way to get wilds into your deck, without sacrificing ¢ down the road.
- Typos Be careful not to write too quickly or you might end up hitting the wrong key.
Ships from warehouses in the US, UK, Germany, China and Australia
- 12 Fame Cards
- 2 Common Vowel Cards
- 25 Starter Wild Cards
- 8 Asterisk Cards
- 4 Dumpster Dive Cards
- 9 Lower Case Cards
- 6 New Trash Cards
- 8 Triple-Letter Cards
- 12 Typo Cards
- 20 Additional Letter Cards
- All Cards Printed on Linen Finish 300gsm cardstock
Coming soon...