Are you ready to fly the friendly skies? You may remember the real-time passenger delivery flash game, Now Boarding. Fowers Games has turned the crazy real-time passenger delivery game into a board game, our latest project on Kickstarter.
In Now Boarding, you will work alongside your fellow pilots, picking up passengers throughout the country and delivering them safe and sound to their destination. But be careful. If you get too many complaints, your wings will get clipped.
Fowers Games has worked hard to bring you a cardboard version of the popular Now Boading flash game. Players move passengers across the country in real time, working against a timer to get everything completed in time.
Everyone is trying to stick to the on plan, all while the timer drips away. But now your friends are right there with you, working together to deliver passengers to their destination ... or at the very least stay out of your way.

Praise for Now Boarding
Already, reviewers are saying great things about the cardboard version of Now Boarding.
“Now Boarding is hectic and crazy, and just about makes you feel some sympathy for the airlines when they leave you stranded without a seat,” - GeekDad
“Interesting decisions, lively table talk, and a really good time ... there was mounting tension, there was laughter, there was success - the hallmarks of any great co-op ... I will be backing this on Kickstarter the minute it goes live.” -@gamegeekninja
“Now Boarding is hectic and crazy, and just about makes you feel some sympathy for the airlines when they leave you stranded without a seat,” - GeekDad
“Interesting decisions, lively table talk, and a really good time ... there was mounting tension, there was laughter, there was success - the hallmarks of any great co-op ... I will be backing this on Kickstarter the minute it goes live.” -@gamegeekninja
Not sure how the cardboard version will work? We had a hard time describing the crazy co-op action, so check this video for a quick rules explanation, or watch us play through a full game with some friends.
Check out the Now Boarding Kickstarter
Now Boarding is a labor of love for us at Fowers Games. The flash version you have enjoyed is now 10 years old, a game I developed with my friend
Tom Mason.
Tom Mason.
Since then, I have been developing board games through my company, Fowers Games. Paperback, Hardback, Burgle Bros. and Wok Star have all been big successes. Now I am hoping you will help me make Now Boarding just as successful. I'm hoping you, the people who have enjoyed Now Boarding, will enjoy the new cardboard version and consider backing the Kickstarter.